Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The weather the past few days has been hot, hot, hot! Hot I can take, it is windy I can not...my eyes are all red, itchy and watery...All that pollen flying everywhere. Plus it was so humid out yesterday that no matter what I touched it stuck to me....What would be nice is if the humidity dropped, the wind became calm, and everything just dropped all it's pollen over night when I was sleeping and then it just disappeared before I got up...
But that is not a reality...So tomorrow the best idea would be to just stay in the house with the air purifiers on and just look outside at the day.
BUT no such luck....I have to go to the bank, and then get a hair cut, and do a bit more running around....
Well I suppose it could be worse, we could get a foot of snow! At least I do not have to shovel anything. The pollen will be better soon, at least I hope it will..
Need to go find something to put on my sore eyes...........................................

1 comment:

  1. That's bad...

    Where I live its almost always hot... Its gets cooler to a degree that's bearable in Winter and the Rainy Season (we only have three seasons.. summer, rainy, winter)... all at their extremes.. no beautiful Spring... I mean its there.. only that it lasts a couple of weeks.. and then we get the Monsoon! No beautiful Autumn either because the leaves turn yellow and fall making the trees look bare... the winter is just mild although enjoyable... it keeps hinting that summer's on the horizon... most places get scorched with sweltering heat in Summer. It only get humid in the coastal areas... but then they're a lot more windy too.. and most people are immune to pollen here..

    Because we're different Hemispheres.. we are now going to start with the Spring and then the Rainy Season.. Right now we're still in Summer... that was supposed to have started from March, but started in January... oh the blasted Global Warming!!

    lol.. looks like my comment's longer than your post.. :p
