Thursday, January 7, 2010

Have moved my serger into the livingroom, because it is too cool in the sewingroom at the moment to sew. And I do not want to wait till spring to get this stuff done.

So I bought myself a small 2.5 gallon shop vac and attached the hose to the table I am serging on. Attached the wand to a board by using screws to hold a handrail clamp to the board and used a "C" clamp to keep the board attached to my serging table. Just slid the wand into the handrail clamp, 2 iinches from the serger, and it just sucks in all the cuttings from the serger. No mess! Added bonus, can't hear the phone ring while the shop vac is interupptions.......

When I am done sewing, I just slide the wand out of the clamp, and slide everything into a corner and the room looks fine...not a thread or piece of fabric anywhere.

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