Sunday, December 6, 2009

Have been so busy the past couple of days, there has been no time to post.
Managed to go to the tree farm and cut a tree, and get it home. With luck it will be decorated by tomorrow night! 1000 lights and a few boxes of ornaments. Then I can try to get all the furniture back to it's proper place.
Need to cleam up my cutting table so I can get to those ornaments. Stuff is just thrown on there now. It keeps sliding off the table onto the floor. What a mess!
My plan is to spend all day Wednesday sewing.
Must fit a trip to the grocery store in somewhere tomorrow. Need supplies for cookies, and for the menu for Christmas dinner. My list, Yes, I have one of those, is getting slowly shorter.
I may just be able to fit in a few days of just relaxing and enjoying Christmas.
All the presents except a bag and the ornaments are done and wrapped. Still have the cards and cookies to do.
So many things to do yet, so little time to get them all done.
Must rescue my camera from my son and take pictures of those ornaments as soon as I get them done.
It is again past 1am time for bed, have lots to do tomorrow, oops, make that today!

1 comment:

  1. I thought I might catch you working ! It is almost 4 am and I have pulled off some sewing . Would you believe at 3:30 am DH was up proweling around saying he needed a haircut!

    It is pouring down rain here in Va. - I wonder what it is doing in your neck of the woods??? ~smile~

    Still waiting to see your ornaments.
