Sunday, January 5, 2025

2025 Already!

 Where has the time gone, seems like it was just summer, and here were are starting a new year I can not say I got everything done last year that I wanted to, but I did make a rather big dent in the list. Now that the house is back to normal, meaning the decorations are down, and mostly put away. I can get down to the stuff I really need to get done. This year is going to be a bit different than last year, as last year all I did was sort and get rid of. I had enough craft inventory to carry me through the year, but now I have to replenish.

This year it will be cut out stuff to sew in February and March and in between clean my sewing/craft room, I would like to cut 3 days a week for about 8 hours a day, and then spend a couple hours on those days on the sewing/craft room then spend two whole days on the room. Sunday's I am trying to do nothing. 

 I also need a day to get my running around done. I know some days are not going to work out the way I want them too, but I really want to get all the cutting done this month. I have a list of what needs to be cut.

I have already put most of my drawn patterns on poster board, so it is easy to cut multiples of everything. This year I will be cutting in the livingroom, as I do not want to move the big  diningroom table. The rooms look different than they did the beginning of last year, as I have gotten rid of a lot of furniture that I do not need.

As for my big clear out, I only have a little to do in the 3 seasons room, (do not want to have to turn on an electric heater to finish it now), same the alcove upstairs. Will do those when it is warm. The basement will be a summer job, so the only room on this level to do will be the sewing/craft room. I have collected boxes for the stuff going to Goodwill.

The great part of all this getting rid of is, that when company is coming the only thing I really have to do is vacuum. I put away things as I am done with them, and the house is mostly always clean.

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