Every year it seems like there is more and more to do...The list just gets
longers and longer..This year I decided if I ever do finish the list, there will always be another one in it's place. When my kids were small I never had a list....Martha Steward
definitly did not live at my house, she would have had heart failure! No one got sick from a "lived in" house, my kids had fun, we were
If I got the urge to go somewhere a day, we went, if the kids, (when they were little), wanted Mommy to play in the sandbox with them I did!
Then they grew up and had their own families, and somewhere the list arrived... I had more time when they were babies..
.Well this year I decided if I died tomorrow the list would not matter, someone else would be finishing it.
So this year I BURNED THE LIST!!
I have had a fun summer. I decided I wanted to work on my gardens, so I did. Can actually recognize some of my neighbors. In years past I was in the house all summer working my way though that list!
Today I am going to sit and read a book for the afternoon....This is so much fun, I should have thought of it years ago.....