Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Not ready to say Goodbye to Summer

Seems like I was just getting out the spring/summer decorations, and now I am putting them away. I do like fall, I like all the seasons really, just wish they were all longer, well maybe not winter.
This year I have made a conscious effort to spend more time outside, and less bent over my machines crafting. I must say I have gotten pretty much done. I am starting to empty supply boxes, and have a bit more room. Plus the stuff at the markets is selling as well, and soon there will be less of that as well. I always like to downsize the stuff I am selling, to make room for more things I want to make.

When I walked into the back yard this morning I noticed that one of the bird feeders is gone. The birds must have loved it so much they took it with them. No sign of it anywhere. Oh well, I still have one.

Have to move the squirrel feeder, it is not accessible for them. I do like to feed the squirrels, when their feeder is empty, they climb up on the window and tell me about it. So considerate.
This year I decided they needed a water bowl, so I went to the dollar store and bought a nice plastic cereal bowl, and nailed it to the tree, and filled it with water. Did not take them long to find it, and I see they are sharing with the birds.

While taking down summer, I noticed that I forgot a bit of Christmas, so now the dilemma, do I take it down and put it up at Christmas, or do I just leave it there, and say I was thinking of getting an early start on the Christmas decorating. I think I will just leave it there, if no one has noticed it yet, they probably won't now either.

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