Monday, September 23, 2024

Fall is Almost Here

 I have not made the progress I thought I would, in the time I wanted to. But it is coming along. I have both attics emptied, and permanently sealed up. So they will now be forever empty. That is progress right there.  The storage room will have to have another go through, but I knew that when I put stuff in there. There is stuff in there, that is waiting for me to find the rest of the parts to an item, so I can then put it all together and sell it or donate it. Some stuff out of there has been donated already.

Thought I was done with the kitchen, then remembered I forgot a drawer that has to be cleaned out. I know of one item in there that I have to find a place for. The rest of it I believe is headed right for the garbage.

The house is taking on a new look. Still a  bit cluttered in places, but that will sort itself out as I find more recipients for stuff. Some stuff is already labeled as to who it is going to, but those people will have to wait till I have passed to take possession of their treasures.

It is amazing how much stuff I thought I really needed, when I now discover those items are not really needed at all, or even wanted for that matter. Used to be I would regret getting rid of some stuff. Not anymore. I do not regret anything that has gone.

I think over time our tastes change, and we just neglect to get rid of the things that no longer matter.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Time Flies

 It has been 8 months almost, since I have posted on here. So much has happened in that time. I have cleared out a lot of stuff out of this house, did not realize how much junk that I would never use was here. Still a lot more to go, but I am making progress. Problem is I have a lot of things that also have to be done while I try to make progress decluttering the house.

I have decided that the basement will take a whole summer all by itself, so I will leave that till next year. I have found stuff I forgot I had, some of it that I will use in the future, but a lot of it has now found a new home.

Since we have had so much rain this year, everything has grown faster than I can deal with it, so the weeds greatly out number the flowers and shrubs. My rosebush has grown out of control and will have to be drastically cut back. That will be a chore for maybe mid September, it has been a bit warm during the days to be doing that now.

Tomorrow it is supposed to rain, so I will be tackling the sun room. I would like to have at least half of the stuff sitting around, not sitting around. Stuff will be put back where it belongs, and if it does not have a home, it will be finding a new one somewhere else.